What brand strategy really means for your work

Brand strategy, when done well, should permeate all aspects of your branding to make it really come alive as its own entity.


Trying to build a brand without doing the detailed foundational work is like...

Trying to build a house without a blueprint. You need to know where the walls go and, more importantly, WHY they go there. You need to know how the layout is going to flow, you need to know where the light is going to come in. You need to know how many rooms it'll have and where they'll be.

But the blueprint isn't just about layout...

When you build a house (or a brand) the blueprint also informs endless essential systems, like heating ducts, the electrical panel, the cooling system, insulation -- things that aren't necessarily seen but hugely impact the structure's integrity.

Similarly, brand strategy is all about...

Making sure the house is built effectively; making sure all the elements within the brand/house work together seamlessly so you can move in and make it a home right away vs patching up walls and rewiring outlets as you try to unpack.

You probably wouldn't want to move into a house that was being built all around you, right? You want to be setting up your furniture and getting settled into your new life chapter. Similarly, it's a more enjoyable experience to build out a brand strategy before trying to "move into" a brand.

Brand strategy is NOT just...

A list of technical elements laid out on a page. That's like saying a pile of lumber and cables is a house. Brand strategy is the interconnected architectural, foundational and artistic work that brings your brand together so it becomes beloved.

Remember, your brand is like...

The roof over your work; the work that you're passionate about, that you pour your heart and energy into. Make sure you're building a "house" that doesn't just have curb appeal, but that's also anchored into a strong, solid foundation.